Gallery 2023
December 2023
St. Bridget was asked to take part in the Prichard Historical Commission’s Christmas Tour of Old Whistler. This gave us the opportunity to share our old Nativity scene and a chance to meet our community neighbors.
November 2023
The students of our CCD program have been discussing what they are blessed and thankful for this November.
October 2023
Our CCD students dressed up as their favorite saint to celebrate All Hallow’s Eve and the older students gave a report on their saint.
October 2023
The Knights of Columbus hosted a Trunk or Treat (October 29th, 2023). A good time was had by all.
September 2023
Our St. Thomas the Apostle Knights of Columbus held a Boston Butt fundraiser and raised $2000 for Aubreigh’s Army Foundation in September, in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

July, 2023
Refurbishing the Kneelers for both St. Thomas the Apostle and St. Bridget
The kneelers for St. Bridget were found everywhere but in the church. Some of the kneelers were discovered in the unused Chapel in St. Bridget’s Rectory and the storage rooms behind St. Bridget’s Parish Hall. Others were found at St. Thomas the Apostle in Chickasaw. Each kneeler was taken apart to strip and/or sand it to the bare wood by Russell J. Wimberly (RJW) of Mobile. Parts were reinforced to make sure they lasted another One Hundred and Fifty Years. The kneelers were then stained and sealed. The ornate crosses were the same style, but the original had been embellished with detailing in the middle on both the front and the back, so RJW hand carved the detail work to make sure the kneelers complemented each other. The Cushions were also completely redone and are removable should there be a need to clean or reupholster. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church was given the refurbished White Oak Kneeler that was found at St. Bridget because it matched the light wood coloring at St. Thomas. It was given a more ornate cross to match the St. Bridget kneelers.
May 4th, 2023
Our parish community would like to congratulate our First Communicants on receiving their First Holy Communion.
May 2023
We had our May Crowning the first of the month, celebrating our Holy Mother. At St. Thomas the Apostle we had the First Holy Communicants crown Mary and at St. Bridget, our wonderful altar server crowned Mary.
April 2023
After washing the Disciples’ feet, except Judas who had departed already, Jesus explained what He did and why. “You should wash one another’s feet,” He told them. “I have set an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” (John 13:1-17)
The foot washing ceremony is an important call for all people that they too should be willing to serve others. In the Catholic Church, this is called the Holy Thursday Mandatum, and the rite takes place after the homily. Members of the congregation are chosen to sit and have their feet washed by the priest, who plays the role of Christ. One by one, the priest will wash the participant’s feet with a basin and a towel.

April 2023
St. Thomas the Apostle in Chickasaw welcomed two new members into the Catholic Faith at the Easter Vigil Celebration. Pictured with their sponsors are Ethan Beck (sponsor), Matthew Davenport, Sadie Cates and Mack Cates (sponsor). In the back row are Deacon Jim Bullock, Fr. William Saucier, Deacon Charlie Groves, Douglas Bosarge.

Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023
Members of St. Bridget in Whistler took advantage of the beautiful Spring day to participate in the Palm Sunday procession.
April 2023
The children of St. Thomas the Apostle in Chickasaw had fun at the parish-wide Easter Egg Hunt, hosted by the KoC Ladies Auxiliary, this past Sunday.
February 2023
The students of our Religious Education program had fun creating Valentine’s for St. Bridget and St. Thomas the Apostle’s homebound. The students try to create art or write notes once or twice a month to let the homebound from each parish know they are prayed for and loved.