Aug 17, 2023 | Bulletins
Aug 10, 2023 | Bulletins
Bulletin.08.08.2023 St. Michael Lent St.MichaelChaplet St.Roch.August16
Aug 10, 2023 | Homily
“For I could wish that I myself were accursed and separated from Christ for the sake of my brothers, my kin according to the flesh.” (Romans 9:3) Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2023
Aug 3, 2023 | Bulletins
Bulletin.08.06.2023 BlessingofGrapes.Transfiguration
Aug 3, 2023 | Homily
“God reveals himself to the humble in the humblest things, while the great who never penetrate beneath the surface, do not discover him even in great events.” (Father J.P. de Caussade, S.J., Self-Abandonment to Divine Providence, p. 5) Transfiguration of the Lord...